Anyone who has undergone root canal treatment knows what a relief it can be from intense tooth pain. However, the recovery process is just as essential as the operation itself in order to ensure proper healing and the long-term integrity of your crown. First and foremost, since every tooth and its history that led to […]
What can I do to get over my anxiety about having to have a root canal? You would think that with all of the modern advances and innovations in dental care people would no longer dread going to the dentist. Of course, not everyone does. For many people, they make their appointment and barely give […]
Why would someone need a root canal? All things being equal, no one wants to be told by their dentist that they need root canal therapy. Just the thought can strike fear into grown men, whether they admit it or not. While there may have been some justification for this in the past, modern dental […]
Are root canals still as painful as I’ve always heard that they are? We all know how important it is to practice good dental hygiene and schedule our regular checkups and cleanings. In the past, a trip to the dentist would often be accompanied by a feeling of dread or fear, but, for the vast […]
Root canals are pretty routine in my office and in dentistry. I regularly see New Yorkers who are in need of the procedure to save what remains of a decaying tooth. My staff is trained to provide the most efficient and pain-free dental treatments possible, so patients know that they are in good hands when […]